Month: October 2013

Government Panel: Hormone Therapy ‘not Recommended’

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Hormone therapy: Is it right for you?

On its website, the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecologists warns against hormone therapy for preventing cardiovascular disease. The North American Menopause Society website stresses the same cardiovascular risks and advises that a woman’s personal risk factors should play a role in deciding whether to take hormone therapy. “The bottom line is clinicians must take all clinical parameters into account for the patient and prescribe the lowest dose for the shortest duration of time,” said Dr. Joseph Sanfilippo, vice chairman of reproductive sciences at Magee-Women’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, in an e-mail to CNN.
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Hot flashes are a symptom of menopause for which some women may seek treatment with hormone replacement therapy.

Estrogen can also ease vaginal symptoms of menopause, such as dryness, itching, burning and discomfort with intercourse. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still approves estrogen for the prevention of the bone-thinning disease called osteoporosis, doctors usually recommend medications called bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis. Low-dose vaginal products. Low-dose vaginal preparations of estrogen which come in cream, tablet or ring form can effectively treat vaginal symptoms and some urinary symptoms, while minimizing absorption into the body. Low-dose vaginal preparations do not help with hot flashes, night sweats or protection against osteoporosis. Long-term systemic hormone therapy for the prevention of postmenopausal conditions is no longer routinely recommended.
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